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2024-04-29 10:52:50 来源:宫体文学 点击:1
1、新年来到,愿您一切都吉祥! Wish you good luck in the New Year! 2、烟花爆竹辞旧年,亲朋好友贺新篇。 Fireworks farewell to the old year, friends and relatives celebrate the new chapter. 3、祝愿你收获多多,尝尽幸福,快快乐乐。 I wish you a lot of harvest, taste of happiness, happy. 4、祝你顺心如意,大吉大利。 I wish you all the best. 5、愿你今朝常欢笑,合家乐淘陶。 May you always laugh and enjoy your family today. 6、大财小财,滚滚而来。 Big money, little money, rolling in. 7、贴春联,挂红灯,家家户户共欢畅。 Sticking Spring Festival couplets and hanging red lights make every family happy. 8、新年,愿你占领幸福的制高点,处处春光无限! New year, I wish you to occupy the commanding height of happiness, everywhere spring infinite! 9、牛年到了,祝你健康平安。 The year of the ox is coming. I wish you health and safety. 10、新春佳节,愿你宏图大展! Spring Festival, wish you a grand exhibition! 11、祝你珍惜时间,拼搏进取,谱写精彩未来。 I wish you cherish your time, work hard and forge ahead, and write a wonderful future. 12、年年祝愿你快乐,岁岁盼你全家好! I wish you happiness every year. I hope you and your family are happy every year! 13、除夕愉快,恭喜发财,鸿运到来。 Happy New Year's Eve. Congratulations on fortune. 14、祝朋友新年福满天,幸福阖家欢! Wish friends a happy new year and a happy family! 15、祝你新春快乐,好运常在! I wish you a happy new year and good luck! 16、春节快乐,新年新妆! Happy Spring Festival, new year makeup! 17、牛年到了,愿你的生活比蜜甜! The year of the ox is coming. May your life be sweeter than honey! 18、大红灯笼迎财神,锣鼓喧天喜气罩。 Red lanterns welcome the God of wealth, gongs and drums are noisy, and heaven likes air cover. 19、新年快乐,前程似锦,生活滋润,美梦成真! Happy new year, bright future, rich life, dream come true! 20、祝新春快乐,好运如潮! Wish you a happy new year and good luck! 21、祝你牛年无烦恼,流金日子灿烂耀! I wish you no worries in the year of the ox and bright golden days! 22、万事顺利开怀笑,牛年幸福乐逍遥。 Everything goes smoothly and happily in the year of the ox. 23、愿友心欢畅,人生放光芒。 May the hearts of friends be happy and life shine. 24、祝你新年快乐,幸福到永远! I wish you a happy new year and happiness forever! 25、祝你新年快乐,幸福来到! I wish you a happy new year and happiness! 26、除夕夜,祝你开心永远,幸福永远,好运永远! New year's Eve, I wish you happiness forever, happiness forever, good luck forever! 27、开心幸福至上,春节快乐无上! Happy and happy, Spring Festival is the best! 28、亲爱的朋友,除夕到了,愿你合家团圆,幸福安康。 Dear friends, new year's Eve is here. I wish you a happy family reunion. 29、愿你新年快乐,幸福绵绵,快乐依然! I wish you a happy new year, happiness, happiness still! 30、一切顺利福气多,牛年吉祥生意多。 Everything is going well, the year of the ox is auspicious, and there is a lot of business. 31、愿你新年阖家幸福,事事称意! May you and your family be happy in the new year! 32、除夕夜,万家灯火万家欢,快快乐乐过大年! On New Year's Eve, all the lights are burning and all the family are happy! 33、祝除夕快乐,新年吉祥。 Happy New Year's Eve and good luck in the new year. 34、祝君春节大吉大利,好运不断。 Good luck and good luck in the Spring Festival. 35、声声问候情谊浓,愿你心想事就成。 Voice greetings, friendship is strong, I wish you everything you want. 36、新年新气象,祝您牛年书辉煌! New year, wish you a splendid New Year! 37、祝你除夕欢乐颜,孝敬高堂陪过年。 I wish you a happy New Year's Eve, filial piety to accompany the new year. 38、新的一年,天天开心! Happy New Year! 39、春节到,愿你合家美满,春节愉快! Spring Festival to, wish you a happy family, happy Spring Festival! 40、新的一年,愿你继续努力,我们共同再创新的辉煌! In the new year, I hope you will continue to work hard, and we will work together to create new brilliance! 41、新春佳节,祝朋友牛年大吉,幸福美满! Spring Festival, I wish friends a happy year of the ox! 42、家家户户放鞭炮,祈愿生活更美好。 Every family sets off firecrackers, praying for a better life. 43、日子美美心情好,阖家欢乐大团圆。 Beautiful day, good mood, happy family reunion. 44、祝你的生命在新的岁月中,更强健,更丰硕! I wish you a stronger and richer life in the new years! 45、贴一副如意的春联,迎来幸福的时光。 Paste a pair of good Spring Festival couplets, usher in a happy time. 46、事业发达,家庭和睦,永远开心幸福! Career development, family harmony, always happy and happy! 47、祝新年快乐!心想事成!美梦成真! Happy New Year! May all your wishes come true! Dream come true! 48、新的一年里,愿你事业大踏步。 In the new year, I hope you will make great strides in your career. 49、新年来临,愿你快乐每一天。 Happy new year, wish you happy every day. 50、祝你除夕之夜喜事多,一年更比一年旺! I wish you many happy New Year's Eve, more prosperous year by year! 51、祝福你,幸福安康好运绕。 Wish you happiness and good luck. 52、祝你除夕夜开心,自在逍遥乐翻天! I wish you a happy New Year's Eve! 53、牛年春节到了,愿你幸福不断,快乐绵绵。 The Spring Festival of the year of the ox is coming. I wish you happiness. 54、踩高跷,扭秧歌,热热闹闹笑开怀。 Walking on stilts, doing Yangko, making a lot of fun. 55、春节到,愿你大吉大利,春节愉快! Spring Festival is coming, wish you good luck and happy Spring Festival! 56、牛年是难忘的快乐年,爱情事业美满。 The year of the ox is a happy and unforgettable year, with a happy love career. 57、迎接新年的祝福,展望新年的幸福,祝你精彩每一天! Welcome to the new year and look forward to the happiness of the new year. I wish you a wonderful day! 58、新年是新年的伊始,带来等待的人希望。 The new year is the beginning of the new year, bringing hope to those who wait. 59、愿你身体健康,开心徜徉。 May you be healthy and happy. 60、知福来福有祝福,清福鸿福添幸福。 Know the good fortune to have the blessing, the Qingfu Hongfu adds the happiness.




